Wednesday 22 February 2012

Pre Op Day 1 - I'm Soooo HUNGRY!!!!!!!!

Wednesday will be my weigh in day to coincide with pre op start and surgery day. So this morning my wonderful scale (which by the way has been tested for accuracy and is pretty bang on) gave me the bad news....

So after I took my weight in (not my highest 282) I started my day with my 1st shake Vanilla at 7:30am

Now Im telling you - Im sooooooooooo HUNGRY!!!!!!!!! I was starving by 11am.
I thought day 1 would be easy but no I have a headache, I got my period too - the stress of pre op scared it out a day early.
I had second - Chocolate shake at 12:30 and had to give in to raw veggies - Did you ever notice plain celery tastes like sweat? I spend my day reading about ketosis and about other gastric bypass pre op and I've got to say mine is pretty restrictive. I called to ask about Balsamic Vinegar since it says I can have Vinegar and then I got a long explanation about carbs and calories. Way too much information for my weakened state.

So I am now looking at a mushroom which I will cook and make it look like dinner with garlic and lemon juice. I will let you know what comes of it.


  1. Good luck-- you can do it!
    Remember: a good pre-op prep is important to making your surgery go smoothly.
    Hang in there, think about the new healthy you on the way!

  2. Oh sweetie...I'm thinking about you! The first few days are the worst. I'm here if you need me! And you are super brave posting a scale shot! Woooo! You're going to kill this! I can't wait!

  3. The first few days are terrible but you'll get through it. It It seems to me that 5 hours between shakes are too long. How many can you have a day?

  4. Wow 5 hours in between shakes is a long time. I really only went 3 hours between shakes and the hunger was pretty curbed as long as I did not go much longer than that. I do remember the first 3 days the hardest...good luck!~


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