Thursday 8 December 2011

Fat in the winter...

I hate being fat in the winter. I feel even fatter wearing a sweater and boots and a coat and a scarf. I live in Ontario Canada and it really cold here. I try to hold out as much as I can not putting on the winter coat wearing my sweater coat and Birks for as long as I can hold out but as the winter drags on I cannot avoid the extra fat layer of clothing. Today some older lady over heard me tell my friend that we needed to drink and soon so she said that I shouldn't be drinking in my condition - I told her I was not pregnant and the fact that she thought I was is even more reason for me to drink. LOL My best friend once told me that he thought that it was less insulting that people thought I was pregnant than fat... I sometimes am convinced he was right but sometimes not so much.

OK now Im off to debate if I can do my surgery any sooner and to find non fat winter cloths to wear until April.

Until later,


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